The impact we’re making on World Environment Day

This week, we observe World Environment Day, a global celebration that encourages us all to take action for the betterment of our planet. World Environment Day is an annual event that unites individuals, organizations, and governments to raise awareness and take action for a sustainable future. At Box, we understand the importance of this day and its message. We embrace it wholeheartedly, recognizing the pivotal role we play in promoting environmental stewardship.

Embark on a journey with us to explore the progress Box has made in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. Discover the initiatives we’re undertaking to create a positive impact by accessing our summary here.

We firmly believe in the significance of this day and have integrated environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance into our core values. With Box, organizations can expect a partner that not only delivers innovative and reliable products but also operates with a focus on sustainability, inclusivity, and ethical practices. Now, let’s delve into the highlights from the progress we’ve made in regards to ESG and see how our commitment translates into real impact.

Protecting our planet

One of our top priorities is to efficiently and sustainably power the Content Cloud. We’re committed to understanding our energy consumption and carbon footprint, and we’re actively working to reduce both. This means that by putting your content in the Content Cloud, you can make positive steps towards your own sustainability goals.

Here are some of the exciting steps we’ve taken in this direction:

  1. Infrastructure migration to the cloud: Thanks to our partnerships with Cloud Service Providers, we’ve been able to migrate our infrastructure to the cloud, allowing us to better understand our CO2 emissions related to their services. This migration not only improves our product delivery and enhances our customer experience, but also helps us and our customers reduce consumption, costs, and our carbon footprints.
  2. Cloud Sustainability Program: We recently launched our internal Cloud Sustainability Program, collaborating closely with our Cloud Service Provider partners. Through this program, we track our greenhouse gas emissions and work towards reducing them, fostering a greener and more sustainable cloud environment.
  3. Sustainable offices: We’re proud to share that our global network of offices have achieved various certifications such as LEED Gold, LEED Silver, Fitwel Certified, BREEAM Certified, and the International WELL Building Institute Gold Standard. We’ve made significant progress towards achieving 100% renewable energy across all of our offices.

Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI): At Box, we strongly believe that our mission is achieved more effectively when we foster belonging and empower our employees to bring their best selves to work. Our emphasis on DEI ensures that our customers are working with a diverse and inclusive team that values different perspectives and experiences. This commitment fosters innovation, creativity, and a deep understanding of our customers’ needs. It leads to a highly motivated and engaged workforce that is dedicated to providing exceptional service and support to our customers. We’ve implemented several programs and initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within our organization.

Here are some key highlights:

  1. Board of Directors diversity: We’re proud that our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is reflected in the composition of our Board of Directors: women make up 38% of our Board of Directors, and another 38% are from underrepresented communities. This commitment to diversity at the highest level of our organization helps drive meaningful change.
  2. Boxer experience and inclusion: We value the opinions of our Boxers, and their feedback helps shape our inclusive culture. In 2022, we achieved an impressive 96% participation rate in the Boxer Experience Survey. We’re thrilled that 94% of Boxers feel they are treated with respect, and 92% believe diverse voices and perspectives are encouraged on their teams.
  3. Talent sourcing and development: We actively seek top talent through diverse pipeline partnerships with institutions like Spelman College, Texas Southern University, and the University of Texas. Our commitment to pay equity is unwavering, and we conduct annual pay equity analyses to ensure fairness across gender and ethnicity.
  4. Employee Resource Communities (ERCs): We have more than 10 highly active Employee Resource Communities and a variety of Employee Interest Communities that provide a sense of belonging and support for our Boxers. These communities play a crucial role in fostering leadership skills and development through our global mentoring program.

Box is committed to building a better future for everyone involved, from our customers to our communities and beyond. By aligning your business with Box’s ESG initiatives, you not only contribute to a better world but also gain the peace of mind that you are working with a company that values social responsibility and is invested in the success and well-being of its customers.

For more detailed information on our ESG initiatives, read this summary highlighting the incredible initiatives we’re undertaking to make a positive impact — or visit our ESG webpage. Explore the full breadth of Box’s commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and learn more about how partnering with the Content Cloud can further your own ESG efforts. Together, we can create a world where sustainability and progress go hand in hand.

This World Environment Day, let’s celebrate the power of collaboration, the spirit of change, and our shared responsibility to protect and preserve our beautiful planet.

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